Chiropractor, Chiropractic, Massage, Massage Therapy, Therapy, Reiki, Natural, Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Oriental Medicine, Health, Wellness, Clinic, Wellness Center, Healing, Holistic, Whole Health, Naturopath, Doctor, Hilo, Medicine, Recovery, Retreat, Hawaii, Keaau, Puna, Big Island, East Hawaii

Massage Therapy
Therapeutic massage, deep relaxation and
stress relief by experienced and highly skilled professional massage therapists.
Massage therapy can reduce musculo-skeletal pain, and is an excellent complement to chiropractic care. Massage loosens the muscles that place ongoing stress on joints and may eventually negate the benefits of chiropractic adjustment.
Other benefits of massage therapy include improvements in circulation, immune function, flexibility, sleep quality, energy and concentration along with reduction of blood pressure, muscle cramps, depression and anxiety.
The second floor of our office includes a suite of three therapy rooms to accomodate multiple therapists, so you can arrange treatment at the best time for you.
Our outstanding staff will provide you the best and most effective care using a wide variety of massage and bodywork techniques. Please click here to go to Our Team to see individual therapist profiles with descriptions of their specializations.