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Hydrotherapy is one of the oldest healing methods, used by ancient cultures for thousands of years. Hydrotherapy treatments utilize water at various temperatures specifically applied to gain a therapeutic effect. Below is a list of just some of the hydrotherapy treatments offered in our office.

Consitutional Hydrotherapy
Constitutional Hydrotherapy is a contrast temperature full body wrap performed with or without electrical stimulation which stimulates the body’s natural healing potential. The contrasting temperatures move fluid through the body, refreshing the cells and their ability to functional optimally. This treatment is very relaxing and stimulates the body's parasympathetic nervous system, allowing you to recuperate and recover from the stresses of life. This treatment option is available without a prescription to those patient's without contraindications.
Conditions most often treated with constitutional hydrotherapy include: Stress & Anxiety, Sleep Disturbances, and Gastrointestinal Upset & Constipation
Therapy time: approximately 1 hour

Sheet wrap
Often referred to as a "wet sheet pack" this form of hydrotherapy involves a hyperthermia treatment (hot water) followed by a full body wrap in specially prepared cold sheets and blankets. The extreme contrast creates a sauna within the blankets, encouraging the opening of the pores of the skin and expression of stored toxins. This therapy heats the body and stimulates the metabolism.
Conditions most often treated with sheet wraps include: Toxic burden (such as from smoking or other exposures), endocrine/hormonal disorders and weight-loss promotion
Therapy time: 1-2 hours

Nasosympatico treatment involves the application of a special blend of essential oils to encourage the draining of sinus congestion. Eucalyptus, thyme and other oils help to loosen congestion and allow it to flow out of the body, carried foreign invaders with it.
Conditions most often treated with nasosympatico include: allergies, cold, flu and chronic sinus congestion
Treatment time: approximately 20 minutes