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Dr. Joon Hee Lee

Joon Hee Lee, DAOM, LAc


As a practitioner, teacher, and perpetual student of Medicine and the human body, Dr. Joon is dedicated to patient care, education, and the advancement of his field. He holds a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM) and currently serves as an academic faculty member at the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Portland, Oregon.


Fluent in classical literary Chinese, he has been studying and teaching Chinese medical classics. These classics include the Shanghan Lun (Discourse on cold damage), Jingui Yaolue (Essential prescriptions and discourse from the Golden Cabinet) and Huangdi Neijing (Yellow emperor’s inner classic), the very foundational texts of East Asian medicine. He is diligent in applying and proving the principles and instructions of these Classics, and their efficacies, in his clinical practice. His clinical application consists of the ancient empirical approach, laid out by the Han Dynasty physician Zhang Zhongjing. Dr. Joon's understanding of this approach has greatly enhanced from studying and applying the works of Yoshimasu Todo, an 18-century Japanese physician, who advocated the importance of abdominal palpation in practicing herbal medicine.


Dr. Joon has also studied acupuncture with Dan Bensky, DO, LAc and strongly resonates with his approach to acupuncture, “listening” and “manual thermal evaluation” techniques that originated from French osteopathic physician Jean-Pierre Barral, and has been studying the comprehensive curriculum developed by Dr. Barral, Alain Croibier and the Barral Institute. This includes visceral, vascular, neural, articular listening and manipulation, and the  in-depth study of anatomy. He is currently a teaching assistant for the Barral Institute and is happy to assist practitioners of various disciplines who attend seminars in this curriculum. Objective patient assessment skills are something that Dr. Joon greatly values, and he has developed various palpation and “listening” skills through his years of study and teaching.

He recently relocated to the Big island of Hawaii from Portland, Oregon. He had previously lived on O'ahu and is very happy to return to the Hawaiian islands that he loves dearly.


"I am excited to bring my expertise and experience to help out people of Hawaii and its visitors who seek health and balance in life." -Dr. Joon Hee Lee

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