Chiropractor, Chiropractic, Massage, Massage Therapy, Therapy, Reiki, Natural, Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Oriental Medicine, Health, Wellness, Clinic, Wellness Center, Healing, Holistic, Whole Health, Naturopath, Doctor, Hilo, Medicine, Recovery, Retreat, Hawaii, Keaau, Puna, Big Island, East Hawaii
Instructions for Creating a Microsoft HealthVault Account
HealthVault is totally free. It provides a place where you can receive and store heath information from a variety of providers, then forward or share all or part of it as needed.
It also allows patients to send encrypted messages over the Internet to their providers. This site is extremely secure and the patient is in complete control of who has access to his or her health information.
You are encouraged to participate in this voluntary initiative to improve your healthcare and quality of life!
Click below for instructions on how to set up your personal HealthVault Account.