Chiropractor, Chiropractic, Massage, Massage Therapy, Therapy, Reiki, Natural, Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Oriental Medicine, Health, Wellness, Clinic, Wellness Center, Healing, Holistic, Whole Health, Naturopath, Doctor, Hilo, Medicine, Recovery, Retreat, Hawaii, Keaau, Puna, Big Island, East Hawaii

Supporting Chiropractic & Sharing the Benefits You Enjoy
Historically, chiropractic and medicine have often been at odds with one another. For many years the AMA worked actively to oppose the chiropractic profession and considered it "quackery". While modern research studies continue to show the effectiveness and safety of chiropractic, many insurance and government regulations lag behind and still limit your access to all that chiropractic can offer.
This page offers resources to help take action on chiropractic & health related issues. Most often this is about speaking out to express your support or tell your story of the improvements you've experienced and how your life is better with conservative natural health care.
National Medicare Equality Petition
The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) has tried to achieve equal benefits for chiropractic patients under Medicare. For many years these efforts focused on getting administrative changes in the Center for Medicare Services (CMS) but this has not succeeded. Recently, the ACA has mounted a major “full-court-press” to finally change the federal Medicare language through Congressional action. Click the button below to participate!
Other Helpful Links
The following links are helpful resources recommended by our office: